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Hello from Lucy & Mat


Hi everyone,

It's been lovely meeting so many of you already. You've all made it very easy for myself and Mat to settle into the café. We have tried our hardest to keep things as they were, no one is keen on to much change these days. We love the Scandi culture, who would say no to a little hygge - 'a form of everyday togetherness', the Danish have it right.

Here's a little about us. We've both worked in the hospitality industry since leaving school. Mat trained as a chef and has worked in restaurants throughout his career, even cooked to Mr Ramsey himself!! I started a part time job in a pub when I was 16 and said I wouldn't last long...but I loved it. I went off to work for a media agency in London but fell back into hospitality and moved back to Ipswich. We both met at The Fountain pub where Mat was head chef and I was General Manager. On our days off we love to eat and drink! I think the word Fika comes to mind, the Swedish term for taking time out to eat cake, drink coffee and have a break. Taking over the Milkshed has been a dream come true. Working together creating a friendly space for you all to come and enjoy is a great achievement for us both. So, Thank you

I'm sure you've heard about our dog Paddy! Paddy is getting used to the café life, he's not here everyday just yet. Lots are asking what breed he is. He's a Cockador, labrador X cocker spaniel. The lab bit means he loves food. We've trained him well to not be interested in our food, please don't feed Paddy if you do see him. He does love a banana, so be careful if you have a banana waffle! I'm hoping he will settle in like we have. But please, if dogs or just Paddy isn't your cup of tea, let me know and I will take him away.

We've got lots of exciting events coming up so please keep and eye on our social media pages.

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